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Global💚Retreat Packages

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The Silent Retreat for individuals
Situated in the heart of the valley of San Marcos la Laguna, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

Retreat Packages


silent retreat

Divine Silence Retreat - $1200

Here is the

Self-Love Package

for YOUR 6-day Silent Retreat allow yourself a rare and enriching opportunity to completely unplug from modern distractions—without phones, gadgets, magazines, or external entertainment. Instead, this retreat creates a space where you can immerse yourself in the simplicity of the present moment. Stepping away from screens and outside stimuli, you are able to reconnect with your inner self, sharpen your awareness, and foster a deep sense of peace. The absence of distractions allows for uninterrupted mindfulness, giving you the freedom to explore your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings with renewed clarity and purpose.

Feel the Energy! Feel the Magic!

Come and allow yourself this unique healing experience!

A 6 Day Silence Retreat More Information

A 6-Day Silence Retreat experience is a profound journey of introspection and renewal. Here’s what it might be like:

Upon arrival, you are welcomed into a serene and tranquil environment, nestled in nature. Your retreat starts with an orientation, and with setting your intentions for the week ahead. Next you enter into silence—without phones, speaking, or external distractions.

The simple and nourishing meals are taken care of by a local Mayan cook and eaten in silence to raise your awareness and connection to the present moment.

As the days progress, you may experience a range of emotions, from restlessness to deep calm. Without external chatter your mind becomes quieter, allowing space for clarity and insight to emerge. You will begin to notice subtle details—the rustle of leaves, your breathing, and the energy of the earth beneath your feet.

Midway through the retreat you already may find yourself deeply attuned to your inner self. A sense of stillness and peace grows, offering opportunities for personal reflection and healing. Toward the end of the retreat, you’ll be ready to experience a profound sense of calm, self-awareness, and a deep connection to the world around you.

As the retreat concludes you reintroduce speech gradually, carrying with you a deep sense of renewal and tranquility, along with practical tools to integrate mindfulness and stillness into your daily life.