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About Us

The Global💚Center

Over millenniums humanity has been looking for answers, locked up in the illusion of duality and limitation. Lately it seems like the system no longer fulfills the needs of the human environment. Relationships are put to the test, teachers are running into a burnout, the elements are contaminating, general health is deteriorating …

Isn’t it time for us to join forces, to open the Heart and see what we are actually here for ..?

Global Heart



Our intention is to start out, at the GlobalHeartCenter, with twelve eminent souls to join together in a new experience. Come to our 9-day retreat. Come and meet the Maya “Abuelitas” and assist Mother Earth and humanity in spreading the Love and Light that we are, all over the world …

Our Mission

!! The “GlobalHeart” mission is to enlighten the path
of those who are eager to know more about themselves,
and for those souls who are finally ready …
to see WTF they’re here for !!  :)))

In April 2015 in San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala, Mr. Denis Lortie—a French-Canadian chiropractor founded Smile Center. It was this eminent soul who actually planted the seeds for the GlobalHeart Center’s two courses: Preschool BrainBalance* and GlobalHeartBalance Program**. The spiritual father left the earthplane on August 28, 2021. On his deathbed, Lenny and Joseph solemnly promised Denis to finish the job: spread that message of Love and Light all over planet Earth!
First through publishing the Happiness book, next … by starting the two life-transforming courses, basically covering the same ground as the content of the book.

*The Preschool BrainBalance Program is for individuals, parents and educators who feel that the current educational system falls short of the needs and the love the child is entitled to …    read more>>

**The Global HeartBalance Program is a holistic life coaching course for individuals who are seeking answers for their emotional, mental and spiritual issues …   read more>>

How to find us!

Directions to Global💚Center:

From Central Park of San Marcos La Laguna
Standing with your back to the park, walk left – take the first left, and go and walk uphill (parellel with river bed) until the end of the road, keep walking straight up through a cobble stone path which further up changes into a dirt path  

Walk up past Caracol/Cambalacha, walk past the building of Konojel, go past the building under-construction on your left, then take a 90 degree left and after 30 meters again a 90 degree right, then walk up some 50 meters … and the iron gate of Global💚Center is on your left.

The gate will most probably be open. If not give a loud yell… and we come to welcome you !

Pleased to meet you 🙏

San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala

Lake Atitlan is located in the department of Sololá, in western Guatemala. It has been and continues to be one of the most visited tourist destinations in the country. Its beauty, color and rich cultural Maya traditions in the towns around the Lake have made it famous around the world. The name Lago de Atitlán, is a Nahuatl word and translates into: “the place where the rainbow gets its colors.”

The English writer Aldous Huxley once referred to Lake Atitlan as “the most beautiful lake in the world.” Another renowned writer who visited Lago de Atitlán is Antoine de Saint Exupery. It is said that, on writing and illustrating The Little Prince, he got inspired by the mystical lake. And that the illustration of the Elephant is based on the trunk-like tongue of land that stretches out into the lake on the southeast side, which is named Cerro de Oro.

 San Marcos La Laguna is one of 12 villages around Lake Atitlan. Most of the villages have names of saints from the Bible. For that reason, they are sometimes referred to as the 12 Apostles. Among the most visited ones are San Pedro La Laguna, San Juan, San Pablo, San Lucas Toliman, Santa Cruz La Laguna, Santiago Atitlan, San Antonio Palopo, and of course San Marcos …:)) Read More>>

!! The “GlobalHeart” mission is to enlighten the path of those who are eager to know more about themselves, and for those souls who are finally ready … to see WTF they’re here for !!  :)))




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